1.Fill in the fields below with the appropiate information. 2.Proofread what you have entered, paying especially close attention to credit card numbers and e-mail addresses. 3.Click the submit button below the form. 4. IMPORTANT. Please email me that this form has been sent. Some times my order form does not make it through my internet providers spam blocker.
Shipping address if different from above,(please note, if you are charging this order, your shipping and billing address must be the same.) Items Ordered-Please Fill Out Completely 1. Item# Quantity Item Title Price 2. Item# Quantity Item Title Price 3. Item# Quantity Item Title Price 4. Item# Quantity Item Title Price 5. Item# Quantity Item Title Price Total Amount Where applicable, indicate your color choices, or make comments. Please select payment method -Check -Money Order -Mastercard -Visa -Paypal (I will send invoice to above email address) 16 digit Card Number(Please separate with spaces and include all the numbers.) Expiration Date. Issuing Bank. Name exactly as it appears on card. The 3-Digit Card Code on the back of Your Card Please make check or money order payable to Obsidian Arts Inc. and mail to
Obsidian Arts Inc. Tony Stanfield 7928 Division rd. White City OR 97503obsidianarts@charter.net
If you are paying with check or money order, please submit the form so your order will not be sold while your payment is in the mail. Even though this is a secure order form, some of you may not want to send your card number over the internet. If so, submit the form anyway and in place of card number type in "telephone". I will call you and get your number and answer any questions you may have. If there is a good time to call, type it in the comment box. Every order comes with a thirty day money back guarantee. Send back the merchandise undamaged within thirty days and I will refund your money. On all items except the larger displays, I ship priority mail. On credit card orders where merchandise is in stock, I ship the first business day. You should receive your order in two to three business days. On Money orders, I ship as soon as I recieve money order. With checks I will ship as soon as check clears.