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Greg's Carved Antlers

"Knife Gallery #3"

obsidian knife Flint Knapping Flint Knapping Flint Knapping

Triple Flow
Obsidian Bowie Knife

Midnight Lace and Red
Obsidian Drop Point Knife

Rainbow Obsidian
Skinning Knife

Knapped Dacite
Bowie Knife

Flint Knapping 2 arrowheads Flint Knapping Flint Knapping

Triple Flow Obsidian
Cody Knife with
Bobcat Claws

Triple Flow
Obsidian Cody Knife

Carved African Deer
Antler Triple Flow Obsidian
Skinning Knife

Unique Triple Flow
Obsidian Skinning Knife

Click on picture for close up, more information and price.

This Gallery Contains some knives that are less expensive than you might find on my first 2 galleries. The knapping is the same but the knives might be smaller.